Sunday, January 23, 2011

Books This Semester

Below is a selection of some of the books I will be reading this semester.

The Sacred Gift of Life, John Breck
This book is part of the readings for my class in Ethics. In it Breck addresses many bio-ethical issues such as assisted suicide, cloning, surrogate motherhood, abortion, ect. 

Explanation of the Holy Gospels, Blessed Theophylact
Theophylact lived in Bulgaria in the 11th century. This is probably one of the most accessible and readable commentaries available from the Fathers of the Church. It covers all four Gospels. In short it is an ancient and timeless bible study.

Commentary on the Gospel of Luke, St. Cyril of Alexandria
St. Cyril is another father of the 4th century. he wrote many works including biblical commentaries, theological treatises, and pastoral letters. 

Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles, St. John Chrysostom
St. John Chrysostom (Goldenmouth) is perhaps the greatest preacher the Church has ever had. There are literally volumes of his writings, almost all are homilies about Scripture. It is believed that the homilies we have were not edited or written by John but were transcribed by others who heard him preach. It is very likely that what we have in writing is what was heard centuries ago (5th century).

Man and the Environment, Anestis Keselopoulos
This text draws from the writings of St. Symeon the New Theologian who is one of the greatest mystical writers of the Church. St. Symeon had a very high regard for plants and animals displays a profound love and compasion for all of creation. This book focuses on man's relationship with the rest of the material realm of creation. 

Hexaemeron, St. Basil the Great
Hexaemeron literally means six days. This ancient text (4th century) is a biblical commentary on the first few chapters of Genesis and focuses on the meaning of the creation narrative. 

The Expereince of God, Volume 2, The World: Creation and Deification, Dumitru Staniloae
The main text for my class in cosmology (the study of creation). Dumitru is a Romanian theologian and this book is one volume of a comprehensive Dogmatics (think doctrines or beliefs) book written by him. It comes everything from the nature and origins of evil to angels and the end times (in theological terms called eschatology). he future redemption of

The Orthodox Liturgy, Hugh Wybrew
A historical survey of the development of the liturgy in the Orthodox Church.
Orthodox Liturgy, The